Strona poświęcona muzyce filmowej
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Strony: 1
Anomalisa (2015) - Carter Burwell
Format: MP3
Kompresja: rar. (dodano pliki naprawcze)
Waga: 98 MB
Track: 14
1 "Overture"
2 "Welcome to the Fregoli"
3 "Cin Cin City"
4 "Another Person"
5 "None of Them Are You" - lyrics by Charlie Kaufman
6 "Fregoli Elevator"
7 "Lisa in His Room"
8 "Anomalisa"
9 "Cincinnati Sunrise"
10 "My Name Is Lawrence Gill"
11 "Breakfast with Lisa"
12 "Michael's Speech"
13 "Goddess of Heaven"
14 "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" â lyrics and music by Robert Hazard
Strony: 1